Pirrama Park
- Free entry
- Accessible viewing area
- Accessible toilets
No tickets required
Recommended as an accessible family friendly site. Great views of the western side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and harbour.
- Food & beverages
- Food for sale. BYO food permitted
- Alcohol
- BYO allowed
- Toilets
- Available (including accessible toilets)
- Drinking water station
- Capacity
- 7,000
- Restrictions
- partial fireworks views, no glass, no camping, no pets, no busking, bag checks on entry, no drones, sunshades must be taken down at sunset, no re-entry
Accessibility services
- Mobility accessible services
- accessible entrance and continuous path of travel, accessible drop off point, transport less than 1km
- Accessible services
- seating, guest assistance, Large Print/braille menus, quiet room
Getting here
- Roads around the vantage point in Pyrmont will close from 5pm. Driving is not recommended with limited car parking available. See road closure information.
- Public transport is the best way to get around on New Year’s Eve, with thousands of extra services running.
- Buses and light rail will operate regularly and make stops within short walking distance.
- Ferries stop running on the harbour by 5:30pm with no services after this time.
- Pedestrian diversions will be in place on New Year’s Eve. The way you leave may be different to how you arrived. Be prepared for a longer walk to transport hubs.
- L1 Dulwich Hill light rail services will not run between Convention and Central from 8pm. For light rail services to Convention or Dulwich Hill walk to The Star light rail stop via Pirrama Rd.
- Roads remain closed until around 4am. Follow directions of NSW Police and staff.